When God Visits You
Does God actually visit? When does He visit? How do I prepare for His visitation? What are the benefits of such visits? In this dynamic volume, Pastor Chris shares from the lives of Bible characters on how you can position yourself for a visitation from God and experience that change you’ve so long desired.
The Oil and The Mantle
Unraveling the mysteries of material mediums…In his usual dynamic and easy-to-be-understood manner, Chris Oyakhilome exposes the myths about the use of material mediums to perform miracles, and reveals clearly the mind of God on the subject. “The Oil and The Mantle” is an explicit treatise on these controversial issues that will cause you to be established in the truth. »
The Holy Spirit And You
Discover in ‘The Holy Spirit and You’ the key to the successful life you’ve always desired. Get to know the One who answers to the Name of Jesus.
Learn to walk with Him, and let Him lead you into your inheritance and your destiny in God. ‘The Holy Spirit and You’ will arouse in you a deep desire for an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and help you develop such a relationship. THEN YOU AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN MAKE AN UNBEATABLE TEAM THAT WILL IMPACT YOUR WORLD!
The Gates of Zion
God has called you to a life of progress, success and victory! He has designed for you to experience consistent growth in your life. In this prophetic book, Pastor Chris takes you through the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as symbolic of God’s pattern for building His Church. Not only will you experience the glory of God as you read, more importantly, you will reflect His glory in your life.
How To Receive A Miracle And Retain It
Do you need that supernatural intervention of God in the affairs of men that transcends human reasoning and ability? Learn how to receive one in this captivating book as Pastor Chris shares vital steps you must take to release God’s power on your behalf. Also discover how to ward off the devil’s counter-attack and retain what God has given you!
DIE SEWE GEESTE VAN GOD: The Seven Spirits Of Godrierie: Die
Wanner u die titel “Die Sewe Geeste van God” vir die eerste maal hoor of lees, is die eerste vraag wat waarskynlik by u sal opkom: Beteken dit dat God sewe Heilige Geeste het? Die Bybel leer dat daar “Sewe Geeste van God” is. Dit is egter tot ons voordeel om te verstaan presies wat dit beteken en hoe dit op ons van toepassing is onder die Nuwe Verbond.
Hoe Men Een WONDER Kan Ontvangen èn Vasthouden
Een wonder is dat bovennatuurlijke ingrijpen van God dat boven alle menselijke redenatie uitgaat. Iedereen heeft op een bepaald moment dat bovennatuurlijke ingrijpen nodig. Als we geconfronteerd worden met een schijnbaar hopeloze situatie; als de omstandigheden in ons leven moeten veranderen; als de medische wetenschap weinig of geen hoop meer geeft en de menselijke redenering geen oplossing biedt – dan is het tijd voor een wonder!
Recrea Tu Mundo
Es creencia firme del autor que el Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo se refiere concretamente al nuevo nacimiento del creyente, mientras que la segunda experiencia del creyente, en la que se le otorga poder, y que ocurre cuando el creyente recibe el Espíritu Santo, es realmente la unción. Así, la secuencia precisa que se deriva de las sagradas escrituras en relación con la experiencia del creyente es la siguiente: Primero, es bautizado en el Espíritu Santo, lo que significa que nace de nuevo; y después recibe el Espíritu Santo que toma morada en él, y que representa la unción por la que se le otorga poder. Ambas experiencias han ocurrido en ocasiones el mismo día y a la misma hora, como es el caso de Hechos de los Apóstoles 2:1-4, el día de Pentecostés.
Gebed is allereerst onze communicatie met de Heer. Communicatie heeft een doel. Het doel bepaalt de modus en relevante details die nodig zijn om van een effectieve communicatie te kunnen spreken.
Het Beloofde Land
In Genesis hoofdstuk 12 lezen we vanaf vers 1 dat God Abram (dat was zijn naam voordat deze werd veranderd in Abraham) riep. Hij ontving de roeping in hoofdstuk 11, maar de details worden in hoofdstuk 12 weergegeven.
Keine Dieser Krankheiten
Gott möchte, dass es Seinem Volk gut geht. Die Bibel macht das von Anfang an sehr deutlich. Gott möchte, dass es dir gut geht. Er sagt in 3. Johannes 2: „Mein Lieber, ich wünsche dir in allen Dingen Wohlergehen und Gesundheit, so wie es deiner Seele wohl geht!“ Gott wünscht sich, dass es deinem Geist, deiner Seele und deinem Körper wohl geht. Er möchte die Welt durch dich segnen und ihr Errettung, Heilung und Gesundheit bringen
Don’t Pack Your Bags Yet!
Are you about to give up on that vision or dream? Don’t pack your bags yet! You can turn the darkest hours of your life into moments of triumph! Learn how in this book by Pastor Anita Oyakhilome. This riveting piece will change your life!
None Of These Diseases
God wants His people well. He desires that you prosper spirit, soul and body! No matter the situation you are facing, there is a message in this book for you. If you are sick and bed-ridden, if medical science has given up on you, the divine truths contained in this book will cause faith to be stirred up in your spirit and cause you to rise, take up your bed and walk!
Now That You Are Born Again
« “Now that you’re born again, WHAT NEXT?” That’s the big question, and this book gives clear and simple answers. In it, best-selling author and teacher, Chris Oyakhilome, reveals vital truths fundamental to the Christian faith, truths upon which you can build a strong and vibrant life in Christ. “Now That You Are Born Again” unveils insightful revelations that will point the new Christian in the right direction and nurture him in his new life in Christ. »
How to Pray Effectively Volume One Understanding the Rules of Prayer for Different Situations and How to Apply Them for Your Desired Outcome
« God’s earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don’t know how to pray effectively?
With a refreshing blend of sound scripture exposition and practical anecdotes, best-selling author Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, in this insightful classic shares with you vital principles of effective prayer. This first volume will establish for you a clear understanding of the rules of different prayers for different situations and how to play them for your desired outcome. Your prayer life will be revolutionized as you open your heart to received and practice the divine insights this book unveils to you. » -
Seven Spirits Of God
Discover the Secrets to Living the Supernatural Life…Naturally!
In yet another riveting masterpiece on the Holy Spirit, Chris Oyakhilome unveils to you new depths of His power and operation in the life of the believer. “The Seven Spirits of God –divine secrets to the miraculous!” teaches you:
What ‘’The Seven Spirits of God” means
Who “The Seven Spirits of God” are
Why you must have them,
How you can receive them,
What they’ll accomplish in your life.
You will receive the revelation knowledge you require to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life and discover deeper dimensions of the Spirit that will enable you walk in the miraculous and supernatural consistently.
Other titles on the Holy Spirit by the author include 7 Things the Holy Spirit Will Do For You, 7 Things the Holy Spirit Will Do In You, and The Holy Spirit and You -
My Little Book of Confessions: I Can Do All Things
« My Little Book of Confessions » contains Bible-based confessions which have been beautifully arranged to help young kids develop their confidence in God’s Word. They will be refreshed and renewed as they declare these faith-filled words everyday.
Your Rights In Christ
By virtue of the redeeming work of Christ, we have been declared free and at liberty to choose the way to live. This freedom in Christ empowers us with legal rights to dictate the course of our lives. Join Pastor Chris as he guides your thoughts into the reality of God’s plan for excellence in your life