Paul Idoko Enenche est un pasteur basé à Abuja au Nigeria. Il est le fondateur et pasteur principal du Centre Gospel international Dunamis, dont le siège est à Abuja, Nigeria
Paul Enenche est né à Otukpo le 4 juin 1968, dans la famille du chef D. Eneche est le dirigeant primordial du district d’Orokam dans la zone de gouvernement local d’Ogbadibo. Il est le frère cadet du porte-parole de la défense du général John Enenche du Nigeria. Il fait partie du groupe ethnique Idoma dans l’État de Benue, au Nigeria. Il est entré dans un ministère à plein temps après s’être engagé dans une retraite personnelle sur les collines du Plateau à Jos. Il a mis de côté son certificat médical et est allé à Abuja pour fonder une église en 1996.
Dunamis International Gospel Centre a été créé le 10 novembre 1996. La première messe dominicale a eu lieu au Centre des arts et de la culture d’Abuja 10. Les services religieux ont eu lieu pendant deux semaines avant que l’église ne déménage à l’hôtel et aux tours Abuja Sheraton, où les services ont été organisés pendant six mois L’église a déménagé sur son site actuel – zone 1, Garki Abuja – en juin 1997. L’église organise six services tous les dimanches et deux tous les mercredis. Le 14 septembre 2014, l’église a inauguré la construction du jardin du Seigneur, le siège international de l’église à Abuja. L’évêque David Oyedepo est arrivé pour la pose des fondations du projet. Le Centre international de conférences et le Glory Dome dans le jardin du Seigneur a une capacité de 75 000 places assises. L’événement était un rassemblement de plusieurs églises branches à travers le FCT, Abuja et environs qui sont venus puiser dans l’onction qui pose les bases d’un tel projet ultramoderne.
Enenche a mis en place un programme de formation biblique connu sous le nom de Dunamis School Of Ministry (DUSOM), afin de former les dirigeants et Enenche et son épouse, Becky, sont co-auteurs de The Seeds of Destiny, un guide dévotionnel quotidien publié tous les mois. Enenche est le superviseur de la Destiny Academy et du Destiny College appartenant à l’église. Il est aussi le superviseur de Destiny Publications, dirigé par l’église. L’église a créé sa propre station de télévision par satellite au Nigeria avec la création de Dunamis TV/Radio. Le but premier des émissions de télévision et de radio est d’évangéliser le monde pour le Christ. Les messages d’Enenche sont en bonne place sur la station satellite qui compte plus de trois millions de spectateurs.
Le ministère d’Enenche est également impliqué dans la fourniture d’équipements sociaux dans plusieurs parties du pays, notamment : routes, électricité, salles de classe et installations scolaires, approvisionnement en eau et installations sanitaires. Le pasteur Enenche, tout en présentant son invité — W.F. Kumuyi lors de l’inauguration du nouvel auditorium de 100 000 places (un plus grand auditorium acclamé au monde) à Abuja, a avoué comment le ministère de la vie chrétienne profonde a posé les bases pour r sa vie et son ministère lorsqu’il était un membre actif de la Membre du campus de Deeper Life et membre de chorale de l’église Deeper life à Otukpo à partir de 1986.
Enenche a écrit un certain nombre de livres dont :
Sagesse de carrière et de travail
Graines du destin
Soyez sage et lève-toi qui êtes-vous ?
10 principaux secrets des Principaux Personnes
30 secrets au sommet
21 clés peu communes pour un débordement financier
Faire une preuve complète du ministère
Raison de vivre
21 choses stupides que les gens font
Tu es ma hache de bataille
15 stratégies du Royaume pour la survie
22 Lois de la Vie Volume 1
22 Lois de la Vie Volume 2
L’histoire de la gloire
Vision pour le Top
Qui es-tu ?
Protocole suspendu
Accès aux possibilités
Sagesse de la planification et de l’utilisation du temps
Sagesse financière
Enenche a épousé Becky Inyangbe Ibu, également médecin. Ils ont quatre enfants.
Le pasteur Paul fait vraiment et fait toujours de son mieux pour aider l’humanité tant spirituellement que physiquement. Que Dieu lui donne de plus en plus d’onction pour faire plus.

Acouphènes , Perte d’Audition , Maladie Dégénérative 🧬❌ : Renversés et Révoqués. Elle a été guérie miraculeusement quand nous avons prié pour elle. Découvrez le témoignage complet sur Youtube(cliquez ici) ou en version AUDIO(cliquez ici). Vous ou vos proches êtes challengé(e)s par des maladies? Inscrivez-vous et nous allons prier pour vous.


    The mere mention of the battle axe introduces or links the mind to war. No one talks about the battle axe if there is no battle. And no one talks about weapons of war if there is no war. We are in battle, every day.
    The battle line is drawn. The battle is between the forces of darkness and the forces of light; between the forces of good and the forces of evil; and between Jehovah – the Mighty Man of War – and the god of this world.
    The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to be in the midst of battle and not be aware. Such a person ends cheaply as a casualty of battle. To live in this world without battle-consciousness is to die like chicken. To live in this world without battle-consciousness is to end as a casualty. To live in this world as a believer or pastor without battle-consciousness, is to end as a mess in life and Ministry. This book is an eye opener on the realm of the spirit and how we can bring the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ to our world through our individual lives

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  • Go In This Thy Might: Six Secrets Of Supernatural Power

    Have you ever been disappointed in life? Have you ever pursued an objective so passionately and with optimism only to be turned down by human instrumentality? I have! As you are aware, man is a supernatural (or spiritual) being. God created man in His image and you know that He is a Spirit that dwells in the supernatural realm. So, there is an unquenchable craving for the supernatural in the hearts of humans. This crave drives people in several directions – some to the occult, others to witch doctors and spiritualists, some others are driven to outright witchcraft and a minority are driven into a sincere, deliberate, decisive, passionate and undistracted pursuit of their Maker. The last category captures my experience.

    Now, are you really hungry for the supernatural move of God? Do you want God’s Almightiness to be revealed in your life? Then this book will help in no small way to facilitate your desire as we are going to be looking at six key secrets of might. My prayer for you is that as you read, you will connect with might and be released to impact your generation in Jesus name!

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    The word, TOP, is defined as the highest part or point of something. It is taken to be the most important position, most senior rank, or the person occupying it. The top is also seen as the best part or section of something. It is said to be the level of highest excellence. It is an enviable place; a place of shining.
    A person at the top is believed to do better than others or be greater than others in a given field of endeavour. He is the one at the head of a list or hierarchy. He is the most important, senior, successful, and respected. He is a quality person, but much more than that, he is the finest or best in quality – the most excellent.
    In this book, we will be looking at men like David, Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Esther, etc. We will consider what it was that took them to the top. It is possible that when you hear these names, you quickly conclude that, “these were men or women of God.” But I will like you to know that each of them was as secular and civil as you are.

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  • 22 Laws Of Life (Volume 2)

    In December 2009 in preparation for the cross-over into the New Year (2010) when the LORD began to minister to me about the Laws of Life. He began to make me understand that laws govern life. Every aspect of life is governed by laws. And He said that negative consequences are the outcome when such laws are broken. I realized then, that a clear understanding of the laws of life as well as the wise application of the same, will enhance life both in quality and quantity and in length and depth. It is a secret of positive outcome in life. When these laws are understood and a person applies himself to them, then life can be enhanced in quality and in quantity. Laws cannot be influenced: They can only be obeyed, disregarded or disobeyed with attendant consequences. This book brings to our attention these laws of life and how to apply ourselves to them.

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  • 22 Laws Of Life (Volume 1)

    In December 2009 in preparation for the cross-over into the New Year (2010) when the LORD began to minister to me about the Laws of Life. He began to make me understand that laws govern life. Every aspect of life is governed by laws. And He said that negative consequences are the outcome when such laws are broken. I realized then, that a clear understanding of the laws of life as well as the wise application of the same, will enhance life both in quality and quantity and in length and depth. It is a secret of positive outcome in life. When these laws are understood and a person applies himself to them, then life can be enhanced in quality and in quantity. Laws cannot be influenced: They can only be obeyed, disregarded or disobeyed with attendant consequences. This book brings to our attention these laws of life and how to apply ourselves to them.

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  • Who Are You: Your Character And Your Destiny

    To succeed in your destiny and assignment, you must determine who you are, so; WHO ARE YOU? what do you stand for? who do you seek to please in your life? it is possible to please people and fail on earth, but is is not possible to please God and fail. learn in this book how to uphold godly character in a godless world. learn how to live to please God daily and naturally enjoy supernatural favour. learn how to experience a daily success triumph and fulfill your destiny against all odds.
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    Over two Millennia ago, a Man was introduced into human history in a most unusual way and it became impossible for humanity to recover from the impact registered by Him on the sands of time and eternity. Great men and women came both before and after Him, but as suddenly as they came, so suddenly also did they disappear. But there is a Man who lived for only thirty three and half years whose works spans eternity.
    He is the fulcrum of human history. History rotates around Him – hence events that predated His birth are dated, B.C (before Christ). And events that happened beyond His birth are dated, A.D (Anno Domini – in the year of our Lord). To remove Him from human history therefore is to scatter human history. All dates lose meaning and history loses reference if He were to be moved from the scene. He is the wisest man wisest man to walk on the face of the earth and the champion of every human endeavor. He is the reason why mankind is alive.
    This book from the stable of Dr. Paul Enenche unveils the identity of this Man and how he affects Humanity.

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    The overflow is a supernatural supply that maintains its strength contrary to prevailing climatic and economic factors or forces. It is supply that has no respect for the economy or climate. That is the kind of supply that Isaac experienced during famine. Genesis 26:1, 12 says, “And there was a famine in the land and Isaac sowed in that land and he reaped in the same year a hundred fold and the Lord blessed him” (paraphrased). This book is a deep exposition on 21 uncommon keys to financial overflow. Read it, learn the secrets and step out of every trace of scarcity in your life into the realm of continuous financial overflow, now and always.

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    Any man who reigns in life does so by the power of wisdom. And if we are going to reign as kings, we will do so by the power of wisdom. A lot of people go through several painful experiences in life because of the forces of ignorance and foolishness at work in their lives. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed, (not because the devil is too strong, but…) for lack of knowledge” (paraphrase, mine). Many People are where they are today not because of how powerful the devil is, but because of the power of their ignorance and foolishness. This book exposes twenty-one foolish things that people do: the very things that constitute failure; the very things at the base or foundation of every faulty life. When anyone escapes these things, they escape failure and frustration in life. If you have the dream of a successful life on earth, I implore you, not only to carefully read through this book, but to study its deep truths and apply them in your everyday life.

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    In times like this, when people perpetrate evil with impunity, does it mean there is no hope of security or preservation for God’s people? This book answers this crucial question and shows Divine strategies with which to access God’s preservation and security in these terror filled days. knowledge determines experience, revelation determines preservation and wisdom determines survival. let the Holy Spirit carefully take you through His word for you in this book and you will never have to live in fear or panic anymore, no matter the threats of satan around you.

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  • Making Full Proof Of Ministry: Understanding And Maintaining Your Calling In Life And Ministry

    If you have paid attention to the words of Moses, Elijah and Paul, you will notice a common characteristic they share – CONFIDENT ASSURANCE. These people did not speak like they were guessing. They did not speak like they were presuming. They did not speak like they were uncertain. They were confident. They were certain. They had a bold assurance of what they were talking about. They knew it was going to happen as they said it. They had PROOF POWER.They could make full proof of their Ministry at any time.
    If there is anything a pastor or a Minister of God should cry for, it is, “Lord, I need a full proof of Ministry.”
    In a generation where Ministry has almost lost definitive principles and guidelines, by the help of the Holy spirit, this book will open your eyes to understanding and maintaining your calling in life and ministry.

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  • 10 Principal Secrets Of Principal People

    In the book, “BE WISE AND RISE”, to which this book is sequel, it was noted that wisdom is of vital importance: Wisdom prolongs life, and foolishness facilitates early death. Wisdom increases the boldness of a man’s countenance. It is the secret of distinction. Wisdom sponsors exploits or mighty works; it gives outstanding results. Wisdom is better than weapons of war. It is better than physical strength. Wisdom uproots mountains. It is the secret of handling impossibilities. That is to say, if there are things you are facing in life today, they can be handled by just one flash of wisdom from God. These and many more, were enumerated as the reasons why wisdom is necessary.
    The principal ways wisdom operates are the principal secrets behind the making of principal people. But what are the ways that lead to wisdom? That is the focus of this book.

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