La musique et les livres audio ont le pouvoir d’élever nos âmes, de nous inspirer et de nous connecter avec notre foi profonde. Dans le contexte chrétien, ces œuvres audio revêtent une signification particulière, apportant des messages spirituels et des enseignements qui touchent les cœurs. Voici le top 500 des œuvres audio chrétiennes, une compilation qui explore la richesse de la musique et de la littérature audio dans le monde de la foi.
Suggestions de livres
Audio Book: The Power of Tongues
In this book, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome teaches you the “what,” “how” and “why” of speaking in other tongues, and reveals the immense benefits it holds for you as a New Testament believer in Jesus Christ.
You will also learn about
•Tongues, Interpretation of tongues, and Prophecy
•The difference between Praying in Your Understanding
and Praying in Tongues
•How to build up your faith through speaking in
•How to enjoy intimate fellowship with the Holy
SpiritSee the glory of God in your life like never before as you learn how to tap into the supernatural power of tongues.
Audio Book: How to Make Your Faith Work
This book is an outstanding masterpiece that teaches not just how to aquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health, and prosperity that God has planned for you.
Audio Book: Healing from Heaven, Volume 3
Healing from Heaven is a chronicle of miracles from the healing ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
In this third volume, you’ll listen to extraordinary testimonies of everyday people who put God’s Word to work in their lives and experienced His supernatural intervention. Here, Pastor Chris also shares deep truths on faith and divine healing, which are sure to strengthen and build your faith in God. Through the life changing testimonies and thoughts shared in this audiobook, you’ll be awakened to the possibilities of faith and the reality of the power of the Holy Ghost. Your faith will also be stirred to act on God’s Word for your own miracle.
As you listen to this audiobook, open your heart and let faith rise in you. As the Lord Jesus did for those in this audiobook and many others around the world who believed in Him for a miracle, He would do for you because He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Audio – Ecole des prophètes du Pasteur Mohammed SANOGO
Voulez-vous comprendre c’est quoi le prophétique, le ministère des prophètes?
Comprendre pourquoi dans ces derniers temps, Dieu dit:
« Dans les derniers jours, dit Dieu, je répandrai de mon Esprit sur toute chair; Vos fils et vos filles prophétiseront, Vos jeunes gens auront des visions, Et vos vieillards auront des songes. », Actes 2:17
Comment pourrais-je prophétiser pour renverser les situations maléfiques de santé de ma famille, de ma région, de mon pays?
Télécharger tout le cours de l’Ecole Prophétique du Pasteur Mohammed SANOGO en format audio.