Le combat spirituel est une réalité qu’il faut impérativement prendre en considération pour percer dans la vie. Ce n’est qu’en le comprenant que vous pouvez vaincre dans la vie et réaliser vos rêves les plus inimaginable en Christ-Jésus. Demeurez Béni.

Afficher tous les 6 résultats

  • Altaar versus Altaren

    Ik heb de afgelopen 26 jaar talloze aantallen mensen bevrijd zien worden door de bediening van bevrijding, met geweldige resultaten. Ik heb zowel individuele als groep- en massa bevrijding sessies gedaan, waarvan sommige uren duurden met geweldige getuigenissen daaruit voortkomend. God heeft zichzelf altijd machtig bewezen met Zijn tegenwoordigheid, overal waar ik de gelegenheid kreeg om te bedienen. En ik heb geen spijt van deze zogenaamde resultaat gerichte bediening. Dr A Chigbundu

    8999 CFA
  • Altar Versus Altars, Revised Edition: Deliverance By Sacrifice

    This book will give you great insight into why many people have gone for deliverance ministrations, fasted, gone for all night meetings and yet the evidence is yet to be seen. This is an attempt to give answer and insight to too many questions in the minds of people. When we destroy the old altar through deliverance ministrations, it becomes mandatory for us to raise a new altar with sacrifices for us to move to the next level or provoke evidence. An altar is a raised or designated place where sacrifices are made to deities. It is a place where humanity meets with divinity. Biblical altars were generally structures of earth (Ex. 20:24) or hewn stones (Ex. 20:25) on which sacrifices were offered. They were generally erected in conspicuous places (Gen. 22:19) Thank God for His faithfulness, the book you are holding in your hands will provide answers to many questions in your life.

    10000 CFA
  • Binding the Strongman

    Life is not a fun fare, life is a warfare and if you refuse to engage in warfare, your life can never fare well. Whether you look for trouble or not, the day you crossed from darkness into light, you have already entered into a battle with the kingdom of darkness. This is not just a general battle but a specific battle you will face with the Strongman assigned against your life from the pit of hell. Ignorance or denial of the existence of this Strongman is not an excuse neither is it an opportunity to escape his onslaught. The enemy you do not know, you cannot kill. You have suffered enough, it’s time to identify, unmask and deal with him once and for all. In this book, you will discover who the strongman is, the different types of strong men and their characteristic features and also how to deal with them. Do yourself a favour, do not only buy this book, read it and practice what you learn from it until you receive your outstanding testimony.

    12000 CFA
  • Destined For Greatness But Tied: A Step-by-Step Approach to Securing Your Freedom, Untying Your Destiny, Breaking the Cycle of Delay and Manifesting Greatness

    Greatness is an innate desire and aspiration of every normal human being. From your childhood, you have had deep desire to become somebody in life. This desire in you to become great is not a wrong desire but despite your high hope and aspiration, you often find yourself in difficult predicaments. The simple reason why we seem to experience difficult situations, which are contrary to our destinies, is because we have been tied. This causes a mysterious season of setback and delay that is difficult to understand.
    However, all hope is not lost as this book will show you a step-by-step approach to securing your FREEDOM, untying your destiny, breaking the cycle of delay and manifesting greatness in all spheres of life. All God has ever destined you to be is possible, if only you will allow Dr. Chigbundu show you how.

    10000 CFA
  • Effective Deliverance Prayers

    Effective Deliverance Prayers is a practical guide to the secrets that will bring about deliverance in your life and in the lives of people around you. It is a simplified book that exposes satanic strongholds, demonic operations and mysteries of evil altars.
    For those going through one form of demonic attack or the other, Effective Deliverance Prayers will give you great insight of the root cause of attack, which will show you how to deliver yourself from demonic powers. This book contains strong prayer points that were given by revelation through the Holy Spirit.

    12000 CFA
  • Mysteries of the Altars

    There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing just happens just by chance. This planet is intelligently governed both physically and spiritually. Everything you see is directly or indirectly traceable to an influence and that is clearly, because the spiritual controls the physical. Everything that will ever happen on earth has first been concluded in the realms of the Spirit. The mysteries of the altars is a much-neglected area of spiritual warfare amongst many believers. The resultant effect of this neglect has cost many children of God their inheritances in Christ. You are about to learn about and have a full understanding of the power behind the altars and how it has shaped God’s dealings with man through the ages and into our present times. You will also discover how satan has seized this same truth and perverted it to advance his own agenda, thereby putting many generations in unfortunate circumstances, evil cycles and strange happenings. Some people are today facing untold hardships not because God has forgotten them or because God has changed but simply because an altar was, raised decades or centuries before they were born and they are not knowledgeable about it. I hope this book gets you angry enough to fight in fervent and aggressive prayers until you take back everything the enemy of your destiny has stolen from you. It is your turn to share a testimony.

    12000 CFA