Dans le contexte chrétien, l’Église occupe une place centrale en tant que communauté de croyants rassemblés par leur foi en Jésus-Christ. Cette institution joue un rôle essentiel dans la vie spirituelle des chrétiens. Dans cet exposé, nous explorerons les 10 éléments les plus significatifs concernant l’Église dans la perspective chrétienne. L’Église, dans le christianisme, est le rassemblement des croyants en Christ, unis dans la foi et le service envers Dieu et leur prochain.

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  • The seven mountain mantle

    In this follow-up to his first release, The Seven Mountain Prophecy, Enlow explains how God revealed His plan to raise up “Josephs”–sons and daughters who would bear His favor, dream His dreams, and reclaim the seven mountains, or sectors, of society for His glory. Instead of the global meltdown seen in today’s society, the Lord promises to send His grace on our nation, other nations, and the church. Enlow proceeds to explains to readers what they will have to do to become one of these “Josephs” and how they can discern the role God desires them to play in His vision for the days to come.

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