This revised edition contains a few changes that have been made to reflect the au- thor’s beliefs and teachings on a particular subject—The Baptism of the Holy Spir- it. It is the author’s firm conviction that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit accurately refers to the new birth, while the second experience of the believer, the enduement of power, which takes place when the believer receives the Holy Spirit, is really the anointing. Thus, accurate scriptural sequence of the believer’s experience is that: Firstly, he is baptized in the Holy Ghost, which means born again, and then he re- ceives the Holy Ghost to live in him, which is the anointing or the enduement with power. Both experiences have been proved to take place sometimes on the same day at the same time, like we have in the book of Acts 2:1-4, on the day of Pentecost.
In this book therefore, wherever the baptism with the Holy Spirit was implied to mean the enduement of power has been changed. The term RECEIVES now re- places BAPTIZED BY or BAPTIZED WITH. Full and exhaustive explanation of the subject will be found in another of his books, ‘The Anointing for Living’. It is hoped that instead of generating a controversy, this will guide believers to recognize that they are actually anointed of God.
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