La famille, dans la perspective chrétienne, est une institution sacrée et cruciale, fondée sur les enseignements bibliques et l’amour inconditionnel. Voici les 10 principes essentiels pour bâtir une famille solide et épanouie dans cette perspective :

La famille est au cœur de la foi chrétienne, fondée sur l’amour, le respect et la fidélité envers Dieu. Voici les 10 principes pour édifier une famille forte et épanouie dans cette perspective :

1. L’Amour et l’Unité : La Clé Fondamentale

L’amour et l’unité sont la base de la famille chrétienne. Chaque membre doit s’aimer et se soutenir mutuellement.

2. La Prière en Famille : La Communication avec Dieu

La prière en famille renforce la relation avec Dieu et les liens familiaux, apportant paix et guidance.

3. L’Éducation Chrétienne : Le Fondement Spirituel

L’éducation basée sur la foi chrétienne transmet des valeurs et principes bibliques, guidant les membres de la famille.

4. La Patience et la Tolérance : La Compassion Chrétienne

La patience et la tolérance favorisent une atmosphère harmonieuse dans la famille, reflétant l’amour et la compassion chrétienne.

5. Le Respect et l’Obéissance : L’Ordre Établi par Dieu

Le respect mutuel et l’obéissance aux parents sont des éléments cruciaux pour la Maison chrétienne, conformément aux enseignements bibliques.

6. L’Engagement dans l’Église : La Vie Communautaire

L’engagement actif dans l’église offre un réseau de soutien et renforce la foi individuelle et familiale.

7. Le Temps de Qualité : L’Investissement dans les Relations

Accorder du temps de qualité aux membres de la lignée renforce les liens et créé des souvenirs précieux.

8. La Grâce et le Pardon : La Réconciliation

La grâce et le pardon sont essentiels pour résoudre les conflits, favorisant la réconciliation et la croissance spirituelle.

9. La Responsabilité Financière : La Gestion Sage des Ressources

La responsabilité financière et la gestion sage des ressources permettent de soutenir et d’investir dans la parentèle

10. Le Service en Famille : L’Exemple de Jésus-Christ

Le service désintéressé envers les autres en tant que famille reflète l’exemple de Jésus-Christ, montrant l’amour en action.

Afficher tous les 3 résultats

  • 30 Quenchers of Marital Love

    Solomon talks of love as being a path of experience. It is as strong as death in his words. It is as unyielding as the grave and burning like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. He concludes that true love, real love cannot be quenched by many waters, neither can rivers wash away its effect.

    We, however, all know one or two people whose relationships in life in the area of romance and marriage have not worked out. So truly, many waters may not be able to quench love, rivers may not be able to wash it away but there are certain things that have made themselves quenchers of marital love: money problems, jealousy, sexual problems and many more.

    The whole purpose of this book is to highlight these challenges and to look at biblical answers to the daily problems which married couples or singles intending to marry face. I have attempted at all levels to make the answers biblical as well as contemporary. However, the mind of the Lord in the word of God takes supremacy in the subject of marital love because God thought about marriage first. He initiated it and if it must work we must go back to the original thought and idea of God.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

  • 31 Secrets to A Successful Marriage

    Marriage has been called the « great institution » but modern man has made it look like the « great mistake ». We live at a time when marriage the great expectation of all humanity now results in the unexpected. When you look at the statistics of marriage, in the United Kingdom for example, the statistics are grim. One in three homes is led by a single parent. We did not have such a picture when God first instituted marriage. Divorce has risen by more than sixty-eight percent since the Sixties. Every year, Seventy thousand separations take place in the United Kingdom alone the highest rate being amongst those who are living together. Eighteen thousand teenagers get pregnant every year. To complicate matters, television, radio,newspaper, magazines, in fact, all aspects of the media now affect the moral fabric of society. It belittles the institution of marriage, berates the church, exalts infidelity and promotes the « living together thing », making a mockery of virginity. Is Successful marriage possible? Can marriage really be healthy? – The answer will be an absolute YES. Firstly based on Scripture, Secondly based on principles derived from it and thirdly because we are surrounded by cloud of witnesses of those who are making a success out of their marriage despite the grim statistics. With the thirty one secrets shared in this book, you will be challenged to build a victorious and successful marriage.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

  • The Winning Woman

    This book « The Winning Woman, » was written to instill positive values for winning in women that will make them win all the time. The winning woman is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-13. Men and women were created in the image of God and made to manifest the glory and power of God on the earth. Be that as it may, God also purposed that every specie of His image should carry out their divinely appointed functions in ways that are unique to their nature. This explains why a woman responds differently to a situation from a man. In the marriage institution, sometimes problems arise in the home simply because the man does not understand the temperament of the woman or the woman does not realize that her husband is configured differently from her. These differences lead to unavoidable conflicts which if either party understands the temperament of the other, may just help them to solve their problems internally without involving a third party. In this book, we will examine the nature, temperament and character of the winning woman. As a woman, God expects you to be a glorious winning woman, running your home in the fear of the Lord and to the glory of God.
