Le leadership chrétien repose sur des principes bibliques et des valeurs spirituelles. Les livres qui explorent la gestion dans une perspective chrétienne offrent des enseignements et des conseils pour guider les individus et les organisations tout en restant alignés sur la foi chrétienne. Voici un Top 10 des meilleurs livres sur la gouvernance chrétien.

1. « Gouvernance de Jésus » par John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell explore les principes de gouvernance que Jésus a enseignés et mis en pratique, montrant comment ils peuvent être appliqués dans la vie et le leadership chrétiens.

2. « Leadership Spirituel : Les Huit Principes de la Force Intérieure » par J. Oswald Sanders

J. Oswald Sanders examine les qualités du Gestion spirituel, en mettant en avant des principes bibliques pour développer un pilotage chrétien efficace.

3. « Le Leader Emotionnellement Sain » par Peter Scazzero

Peter Scazzero explore l’importance de l’intelligence émotionnelle dans la Gestion chrétien, en montrant comment l’équilibre émotionnel peut renforcer la foi et l’efficacité.

4. « Gestion de Serviteur » par Robert K. Greenleaf

Robert K. Greenleaf introduit le concept de gouvernance de serviteur, montrant comment les leaders chrétiens peuvent être des serviteurs exemplaires tout en exerçant leur autorité.

5. « Leadership Par le Saint-Esprit » par J. Oswald Sanders

J. Oswald Sanders examine le rôle du Saint-Esprit dans le leadership chrétien, en montrant comment la guidance divine peut influencer les décisions et l’action des leaders.

6. « Le Leadership Basé sur les Valeurs » par Albert M. Erisman

Albert M. Erisman explore la relation entre les valeurs chrétiennes et la gouvernance, en montrant comment les leaders peuvent intégrer leurs croyances dans leur rôle.

7. « Les 21 Lois Irréfutables du Leadership » par John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell présente les 21 lois du leadership, en expliquant comment elles s’appliquent dans le contexte du leadership chrétien.

8. « La Direction Biblique » par Henry T. Blackaby

Henry T. Blackaby explore les enseignements bibliques sur le leadership, en montrant comment la Parole de Dieu peut guider les leaders chrétiens.

9. « Pilotage Par le Caractère » par Michael C. Mack

Michael C. Mack met l’accent sur l’importance du caractère dans le leadership chrétien, montrant comment les qualités morales sont essentielles pour un leadership efficace.

10. « Gouvernance à la Manière de Jésus » par Bob Briner et Ray Pritchard

Bob Briner et Ray Pritchard explorent les enseignements de Jésus sur le leadership, en montrant comment les leaders chrétiens peuvent suivre l’exemple de Christ.

Afficher tous les 10 résultats

  • 100% Life Improvement vol 2

    Life indeed can be a work in progress, an abandoned project, a disaster or masterpiece. Whichever we choose to be has a biblical precedence; Daniel, Samson, Solomon, David etc. The names are many and endless; however we have seen that we can truly improve. The pathway has been defined and the method for making it happen has been shown. Let us be hungry for more. The road to 100% is always under construction but let us not stop at 50%.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    10525 CFA
  • 12 Major Steps For Perpetuating Wealth

    God gives seed to every man so that they can reproduce themselves in the next generation. We were made to live for a generation and to leave legacies for the coming ones. When we fail to realise this we end up living and dying for ourselves.

    ‘12 Major Steps for Perpetuating Wealth’ explores the many reasons why people end up not creating wealth, and it makes a compelling case for creating perpetual wealth.

    This insightful piece of work will equip the reader with the concepts and practical tools necessary for creating and perpetuating the wealth God puts into their hands.

    The fact that this book challenges the reader to work towards leaving a legacy, makes it a beneficial read – not only for the reader and his generation but also for the generations to come.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    10525 CFA
  • Be The Best

    Life is like a house full of treasure, but under lock and key. Without the right keys you could not access the treasure house, yet you are invited to take as much as you want. I have tried to present to you nine important keys that can help you unlock the great untapped abilities that are available to you. These nine steps could help you rise beyond mediocrity, and have a successful life. They include: Managing the Time of your Life, Define your Destination, Find your Financial Freedom, Discover the Power of a Transformed Mind, Strategising for Success, and Know that No Guts No Glory.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    13200 CFA
  • Leadership Principles of Prophet Moses

    Biblical Moses was one of the most profound people who ever lived.
    His dramatic rescue by the princess of Egypt and subsequent upbringing in the palace prepared him for the arduous task of leading three million people through the wilderness.
    His education gave him the opportunity to document the account of creation. Raising leaders, managing change, dealing with a diversity of expectations made him to be an appropriate person to study for leadership.
    His meekness made it easy to make room for protégés. He was a people person. It is my sincere hope that Moses’ style will challenge you to refocus your leadership style.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    13200 CFA
  • The 33 Irrevocable Laws of Wealth Creation

    The intention of this book is not to get you excited but show you why believers need to apply the Laws of Wealth Creation.

    It is God’s desire to bless people and give them the ability to create wealth so that they can serve His kingdom, enjoy their personal life, help their family and touch their generation.

    However today, a religious spirit has perverted the Word of God and made any attempt to create wealth to be seen as covetousness. The devil rejoices because this renders the Church impotent. In a world where money talks, the Church is unable to effectively evangelise.

    In this insightful and challenging publication, Matthew Ashimolowo highlights more than 30 laws of wealth creation and discusses the personal steps every believer must take to create wealth and become a blessing to their generation.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    7075 CFA
  • The Coming Wealth Transfer

    In this book, the author shared a few principles that can prepare us for
    the coming wealth transfer:
    • 8 circles of wealth creation
    • 30 reasons why you should establish your own company
    • 25 strategies for wealth creation
    • 100 powerful insights on real estate
    • 13 ways to invest
    • The stewardship of giving and more

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    13200 CFA
  • The Winning Woman

    This book « The Winning Woman, » was written to instill positive values for winning in women that will make them win all the time. The winning woman is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-13. Men and women were created in the image of God and made to manifest the glory and power of God on the earth. Be that as it may, God also purposed that every specie of His image should carry out their divinely appointed functions in ways that are unique to their nature. This explains why a woman responds differently to a situation from a man. In the marriage institution, sometimes problems arise in the home simply because the man does not understand the temperament of the woman or the woman does not realize that her husband is configured differently from her. These differences lead to unavoidable conflicts which if either party understands the temperament of the other, may just help them to solve their problems internally without involving a third party. In this book, we will examine the nature, temperament and character of the winning woman. As a woman, God expects you to be a glorious winning woman, running your home in the fear of the Lord and to the glory of God.

    10525 CFA
  • Thirty Reasons For Company Ownership

    The Bible abounds with evidence that God wants to prosper believers and give them the opportunity to own businesses that will enable them to make a difference in the world, reach the unsaved and make great impact.

    The challenge is that many times, believers do not develop the platforms for the creation of prosperity or the platforms that can handle great capacity.

    This book present 30 reasons for company ownership, it highlights how to make your business work and reveals the supernatural results of company formation.

    Use this invaluable resource to breakout of the limitations of being salary dependent, to owning a storehouse that can be a blessing to others.

    The legal, financial and business opinions expressed in this book are that of the author.
    It may not be quoted as a legal, financial or business authority. The author has not set himself up as an authority on any of the subjects referred to.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    7080 CFA
  • Un Leadership à Toute Épreuve

    Vous cherchez à devenir un leader efficace et à toute épreuve ? Comment des sociétés et des nations entières imploser à cause d’un leadership défaillant ? Ne cherchez plus, notre livre « Un Leadership à Toute Épreuve » est là pour vous aider.

    Ce livre examine les raisons pour lesquelles les leaders échouent et vous montre comment éviter ces pièges. Il est basé sur la connaissance des entreprisse et sur le sagesse biblique. Que vous soyez un dirigeant d’entreprise, un responsable politique ou simplement quelqu’un qui cherche à améliorer son leadership dans sa vie quotidienne, ce livre vous donne les outils pour réussir.

    Les exemples de grandes sociétés et de nations divisées en raison d’un leadership défaillant abondent dans le monde entier, mais il y a encore de l’espoir. Ce livre vous montre comment éviter les erreurs courantes et comment développer une vision claire pour votre entreprise ou votre pays. Il vous apprend également comment être cohérent entre vos paroles et vos actions, comment apprendre en continu et comment développer les compétences de ceux qui travaillent avec vous.

    Ne laissez pas votre leadership vous empêcher de réussir. Commandez « Un Leadership à Toute Épreuve » aujourd’hui et commencez à faire une différence dans le monde. Parce que si nous remédions aux insuffisances de nos leaders, nous remédions aux problèmes du monde.

    Matthew Ashimolowo

    11350 CFA
  • Values Driven Leadership

    Values are the fundamental principles that define what is right, good and just for a person. They act as a GPS to determine what is right or wrong for us. Values can be held in many different spheres; such as politics, morality and ethics, the spiritual life and relationships.

    The values a person holds create a certain standard, or ideal, that they adhere to.

    A values driven leader will give the followership a sense of fairness, equity and justice. What type of leader are you? This book discusses the values a leader must have in order to excel themselves and bring out the best in the people around them.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    11875 CFA