Table of contents
- Altar verus altars
- The sins of our fathers
- Our fathers’ sins
- Gideon and his father’s altar
- The power of sacrifice
- Prayer points
This book will give you great insight into why many people have gone for deliverance ministrations, fasted, gone for all night meetings and yet the evidence is yet to be seen. This is an attempt to give answer and insight to too many questions in the minds of people. When we destroy the old altar through deliverance ministrations, it becomes mandatory for us to raise a new altar with sacrifices for us to move to the next level or provoke evidence. An altar is a raised or designated place where sacrifices are made to deities. It is a place where humanity meets with divinity. Biblical altars were generally structures of earth (Ex. 20:24) or hewn stones (Ex. 20:25) on which sacrifices were offered. They were generally erected in conspicuous places (Gen. 22:19) Thank God for His faithfulness, the book you are holding in your hands will provide answers to many questions in your life.
Acouphènes , Perte d’Audition , Maladie Dégénérative 🧬❌ : Renversés et Révoqués. Elle a été guérie miraculeusement quand nous avons prié pour elle. Découvrez le témoignage complet sur Youtube(cliquez ici) ou en version AUDIO(cliquez ici). Vous ou vos proches êtes challengé(e)s par des maladies? Inscrivez-vous et nous allons prier pour vous.
🎁 Offrez plus qu’un simple cadeau, offrez l’Espoir 🎁 90 MINUTES DE TÉMOIGNAGES DE GUÉRISONS MIRACLES PRODIGES 👉 Commandez dès maintenant ! Parce qu’il n’y a rien de plus précieux que d’offrir une nouvelle chance à la vie.
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Table of contents
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