Afficher 3921–3940 of 5101 résultats

  • Power To Magnetise Money

    Money flows to some Christians and flows away from others. One first lesson you must learn is that money flows. It can flow away from a person. It can be magnetised or repelled. A lot of people like money, but it flows away.
    Beloved the truth of the matter is that there are angels of prosperity. There are also angels of poverty. They can work for or against a person. Which one is working for you?

  • Power to prosper

    It is a good thing to talk about prosperity and to preach about it. But the subject of prosperity must be balanced with the subject of holiness so that after we have prospered, we would not go to hell fire. There is however indeed the power to prosper! Find out!

  • Power To Put The Enemy To Shame

    Life is full of enemies. The Good Lord has enemies, otherwise why would the psalmist declare « arise O Lord and let your enemies be scattered ». « Pray for your enemies ….. », the bible also declared. it is clear however that the enemy must be appropriately and properly handled. How you fare in life may well depend on what you make of your enemies. The author has put the enemy in the proper perspective. If your star must rise and shine this book is a must!

  • Power to Recover Your Birthright

    Power To Recover Lost Glory
    Power to recover your birthright brings to the fore the fact that the spiritual controls the physical. It is a classic on the recovery and repossession of your birthright. The mystery of the loss of birthright is passionately addressed, the importance of the birthright is highlighted while the reader is taught how to enjoy and retain the spiritual and material benefits that are bestowed on the favoured. The prayer points will lead you to a new season of recovery. The enemy must be arrested and compelled to restore what has been stolen from you.

  • Power to Recover your Lost Glory

    Power To Recover Your Lost Glory is one of the most practical and life changing books. Pulsating with powerful nuggets, filled with practical anecdotes and brimming with a unique anointing to help you recover your destiny and maximize your God-given potential. It is a book that will change your life. The pages are loaded with life-changing and destiny-recovery facts. The approach is uncommon, the style is readable while the presentation makes the book compelling. You will discover tested and proven principles of glory recovery and gain a good grasp of the principles of destiny fulfillment. The prayer points are released by the Holy Ghost in order to make total recovery a glorious possibility. It will launch you into the realm of uncommon glory. Its overall impact will give birth to fresh testimonies.

  • Power To Shut Satanic Doors

    Power to shut satanic doors is an uncommon classic. It is written for those who want to experience the achiever’s lifestyle. This is your ladder to great height of victory. This is your season of divine empowerment. This book will teach you what it takes to be more than conquerors in Christ.

    Satanic doors are identified, the effects of such doors are enumerated, symptoms of satanic door victims are presented and method of shutting such doors are offered in this powerful book.

    The bonus of this book is a suite of prayer points that will blast satanic doors open.

  • Powerless Before the Pursuer

    Powerless before the Pursuer Somebody that is pursued cannot relax. If he has no strength then he is already a prey, a casualty. A runner that has no strength is as good as being in prison because it is only a matter of time before he or she is caught. When a person that is pursued has no strength before the pursuer, it means he or she is running in vain, he or she is engaged in a useless exercise.

  • Powers Behind the Scenes

    Many people do not believe in the existence of an unseen realm and others try to operate in it yet do not understand it. In order to understand spiritual realms, we must understand realms of authority. Though there are many kinds of authority, spiritual authority is the greatest. If our authority in Christ is by the Spirit, it cannot be determined by a person’s gender or race; there is no distinction between them in the spirit. According to the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 2:4-15, spiritual things must be spiritually discerned! Intellect, science or anything that we can relate to in the natural will only distort man’s view of what is going on in the spirit realm; we discern things spiritually by knowing them through our spirit man and not through our natural man.

  • Pratique de prière

    La prière est aussi une arme redoutable dans la guerre spirituelle contre les dominations, les autorités et les princes de ce monde des ténèbres, contre les esprits méchants dans les lieux célestes (Ephésiens 6.12). Pour marcher dans la domination surnaturelle, nous devons donc consacrer un temps important à la prière fondée sur la Parole. Dans la Bible, des hommes comme Elie, des femmes comme Anne et des assemblées comme celle de Jérusalem ont touché le cœur de Dieu par leur vie de prière fructueuse. Pourquoi pas nous ? Jacques ne déclare-t-il pas qu’Elie était un homme de la même nature que nous? (Jacques 5. 17).C’est ce à quoi le présent Guide pratique de prière veut nous encourager. J’ai eu J’occasion de le lire et j’ai apprécié la pertinence des thèmes qui y sont développés, thèmes fondés sur la Parole de Dieu et enrichis par des exhortations. Par ailleurs, le style dans lequel il est rédigé facilite son utilisation.

    L’auteur, le Pasteur Hortense KARAMBIRI, elle-même un exemple d’une vie de prière efficace a rehaussé ce guide de ses expériences personnelles. Exploité conve­nablement, il vous permettra de grandir dans votre vie
    de prière avec le Seigneur.

  • Pratique du Combat Spirituel

    Découvrez la clé pour remporter la bataille contre les forces du mal avec « Pratique du Combat Spirituel » ! Si vous êtes aux prises avec les défis du quotidien et que vous ne savez pas comment vous prendre en charge en attendant de trouver de l’aide, ce livre est pour vous. Fruit des années de ministère au Sanctuaire du Christ Rédempteur de l’homme, il vous offre une approche pratique et puissante pour combattre les ténèbres qui vous entourent.

    Ce livre est basé sur la conviction profonde que la prière est d’un pouvoir inégalé. Par elle, vous pouvez transformer toutes choses : les situations difficiles, les relations tendues, les besoins urgents, les êtres chers en détresse. En priant ensemble, nous célébrerons ensemble nos victoires, les miracles de Dieu : guérisons, délivrances et surtout, des conversions profondes.

    L’auteur vous guide pas à pas dans la pratique du combat spirituel, en vous donnant les outils nécessaires pour vous armer contre les forces du mal. Vous apprendrez comment vous donner les premiers soins spirituels, comment vous prendre en charge dans les moments difficiles, et comment trouver la paix en Christ même au milieu des tribulations. Inspiré par la sagesse biblique et basé sur les paroles mêmes de Jésus dans Jean 16:33, ce livre vous encourage à prendre courage, car le Christ a déjà vaincu le monde !

    Que vous soyez novice en matière de combat spirituel ou que vous recherchiez des ressources supplémentaires pour renforcer votre foi, « Pratique du Combat Spirituel » est un guide précieux pour vous aider à faire face aux défis spirituels de la vie quotidienne. Ne restez pas démuni face au mal, prenez en main votre vie spirituelle et découvrez le pouvoir transformateur de la prière. Commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant et préparez-vous à vivre des victoires spirituelles inégalées !


    Abbé Kisito Vodounon

  • Pratiquer la Présence de Dieu

    Pratiquer la Présence de Dieu est une pratique spirituelle puissante qui peut transformer votre vie. Si vous recherchez une façon de renforcer votre foi et votre relation avec Dieu, alors notre livre est fait pour vous.

    Basé sur la sagesse biblique, ce livre vous guidera à travers des enseignements et des pratiques simples  pour vous aider à vous connecter avec Dieu tout au long de votre journée. Vous apprendrez comment vous imprégner de la présence de Dieu, comment méditer sur sa parole, et comment trouver la paix dans sa présence.

    En lisant ce livre, vous découvrirez que la pratique de la présence de Dieu n’est pas réservée qu’aux moines dans un monastère, mais que chacun de nous peut la vivre dans notre vie quotidienne. Vous apprendrez comment vous ouvrir à la présence de Dieu, même dans les moments les plus difficiles de la vie.

    Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une pratique spirituelle qui vous aidera à vous rapprocher de Dieu et à vivre une vie plus remplie de sa présence, alors ce livre est fait pour vous. Commandez-le dès aujourd’hui et commencez à pratiquer la présence de Dieu dans votre vie.


    Peter Tan


  • Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs

    Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs is to give the user’s prayer life a sharper focus. The Word of God says: « And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the tree: therefore, every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire » (Matthew 3:10). Those things that have seemed resistant to prayers may be so because the axe has not been laid to the root.
    Also, those recurring and stubborn problems that subside only to come back after a while may be because the axe was laid at the branches but not unto the root.

  • Prayer Compass

    There are powers that stand against God’s will for His children. They hijack and divert destinies and waste opportunities. These powers often cage people’s spirits and manipulate them to make unpardonable mistakes.
    Prayer Compass is an indispensable manual and dependable guide with red-hot prayer samples that will silence these dark powers.

  • Prayer Moves God

    Now more than ever intercessors are needed to pray and usher in the end-time harvest by deploying the keys of the Kingdom to execute the judgments written against the heathens and the wicked. We must know the Dominion Mandate is still God’s original plan for mankind. God wants man to have dominion in the earth. Until someone prays God can do nothing for humanity. But, we must also understand the rules of engagement to be effective in our prayers. In this book, through the study of the scriptures, stories of the men and women of renown in the Bible and through recounting the great revivals and prayer watches of this modern age, we see that ordinary men and women were able to move God in prayer. These men and women have moved on to glory. But, their prayers are still producing power and the mantles they used to open the heavens and bring God into the affairs of men are available to us today. This book will empower, edify and encourage you to pray more effectively so that your prayers move God!

  • Prayer Passport Leather

    Prayer Passport Book by Dr. D.K.Olukoya. Prayer passport is a compendium of rare and powerful prayer points. It has been divinely designed to turn tragedy to triumph, sickness to health, failure to success, powerlessness to uncommon strength and problems to testimonies. It addresses the root of complex problems and provides total solutions to recurrent attacks from the kingdom of darkness. This is a unique spiritual warfare manual that will lead you to a glorious destiny. With prayer passport in your hands the kingdom of darkness is in trouble.

  • Prayer Passport-Hard

    Prayer Passport is a compendium of rare and powerful prayer points. It is a unique spiritual warfare manual leading readers into triumph over the kingdom of darkness. It is indeed a passport to victorious living and breakthroughs in the spiritual realm.

  • Prayer Rain (Leather Cover)

    Prayer Rain is a powerful spiritual warfare book providing result-oriented solution to 125 prayer topics. The book provides solution through prayer points of diverse life challenging situations. Each prayer topic comes with a description of life situations, symptoms of the problem, biblical passages applicable for solution to the problem and prayer points.

  • Prayer Rain-Softcover

    Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those suffering under satanic harassment and oppression. Full of scriptures and examples, this is a handbook for spiritual warfare. Learn to take the Sword of the Spirit – the word of God and wield it powerfully in prayer and overcome obstacles in life.

  • Prayers to destroy diseases and infirmitities

    This book is a spiritual warfare manual specifically targeted at destroying diseases and infirmities. The secrets of using artillery of prayers against bad health are clearly outlined. You do not have to be a slave to the spirit of infirmity any more. This is a book that will deal a deadly and destructive blow on the spirits of death and hell. Every Christian, home, prayer group, intercessor, healing minister, hospital and clinic should have a copy of this book. Prayers from this book has been released by the Holy Spirit to kill every sickness and disease.

  • Prayers to make You Laugh Last

    Job 14:1 says -Man that is born of a woman is of few days and
full of trouble. « The only tame trouble will cease for man on
earth is when he has been laid to rest in the cemetery These
troubles come in various dimensions invited or uninvited and
    they are no respecter of persons. However, whether you will
come out of these troubles or how long they last depends of how
you react to them. Do you go into depression or begin to transfer
aggression to people around you?
    In this timely prayer manual, your friend in the School of Prayer
Dr. D. K. Olukoya teaches us what to do in “the time of Jacob’s
trouble” no matter how hard life seems; no matter how fierce the
battle gets, no matter how enormous the losses you have
suffered, if you commune with God and take everything to God in
prayer, you will have the last laugh.
