Afficher 4661–4680 of 5101 résultats

  • The unconquerable power

    The Unconquerable Power centres on the celebration of the greatest power in the universe. It is a unique spiritual warfare manual. The pages pulsate with the demonstration of God’s awesome, the release of fresh fire from the throne of God and assurances of victory in battle. The reader stands to become a beneficiary of the unconquerable power of God. The prayer points will arm you with the volleys with which you will silence your enemies.

  • The Unlimited God

    The Unlimited God pays glowing tributes to the glorious attributes of the almighty. It celebrates the power of God which is able to save to the uttermost. This book will connect you to the unlimited power of God and erase every form of limitation. The basic principles of faith are spelt out. This book will inspire the reader to launch out into the realm of faith. Each chapter contains scriptural steps towards believing the incredible, achieving the impossible and launching out into the realm where all things are made easy and possible. The prayer points are released by the Holy Spirit to enable you demonstrate the unlimited power of God.

  • The voice of the blood

    The Voice of the Blood

    The consequences of the shedding of innocent blood inany land outlive the generation that committed theatrocity. Blood that was shed in ancient times will berequired at the hands of present generation. This is becauseblood has a voice that cries out to God for vengeance. It is nouse claiming that we are innocent because we are notdirectly involved.This book opens our eyes to the mystery of the crying blood. We are taught what to do to avert the ugly consequences of blood shed by our ancestors or the blood being shed presently.

  • The Way of Divine Encounter

    Throughout the scriptures, we have discovered some outstanding characters who remain symbols of excellence till date. These characters attained great feats and broke new grounds after experiencing a life changing encounter with God. The author, with the pen of a ready writer skilfully draws powerful principles from their experiences.
    These principles are laid bare for the modern day Christian to apply in their personal woalk with God. This book will help you experience the divine presence which will move your life forward. You would receive spiritual vision. The way of Divine Encounter will take you to a realm where demons will see you and tremble and evil powers will be frightened stiff when they discover the transforming power of an encounter with God. The book will flag off a new passion for God in your life.

  • The wealth transfer agenda

    The Wealth Transfer Agenda is written with uncommon insight, practical attention to details, powerful scriptural exposition and rare prophetic perception. These have made the book a classic in every sense of the word.
    In keeping with the divine programme which centres on making wealth to change hands from the camp of the ungodly to the camp of the righteous. The Wealth Transfer Agenda unveils deep mysteries on wealth. It details prophetic guidelines which if acted upon will turn a pauper to a prince and those living in penury to specimens of divine abundance and prosperity.

    With this book in your hands you are going to experience unprecedented prosperity which will re-write your entire history.

  • The Wicked Exchange

    A lot of wicked operations are so strange that some people think it is superstition. If God opens your eyes to see the wicked operations of the enemy and you are able to see a little bit of what they do, you will understand what Jesus meant when He says, « Pray without ceasing. » They work like automatic machines. They do not rest. They do not go on holiday. They work hard at what they are doing to populate hell fire.

  • The Wicked Will Not Go Unpunished

    The Wicked Shall Not Go Unpunished Everyone has power to choose his or her sins but nobody has power to choose consequences of those sins. Every sin has a consequence or punishment assigned to it. Commit a sin? The consequence is sure. It is indeed not well with the wicked!
  • The wilderness the cave and the mountain


    The journey of life is enigmatic, it is deep, mysterious and challenging. God has every power and ability to take you through the journey of life and ensure that no matter what happens, you will end up as an over comer.

    It is very interesting to find yourself at your appointed time. When it is your appointed season, those who do not like you will begin to work for you. When it is your appointed time, everything working against you will start working for you. When it is your appointed time’, everything cooperates. When it is your appointed time, the impossible will become possible. When it is God’s appointed time, you will not need to force anything. When it is your season, nothing will stop you from getting to the throne.

  • The winning spirit

    The Winning Spirit
    Many people are not winning in the battles of life because they have not discovered the secrets of success. It takes a combination of factors to be a winner, you need
    to be well-equipped. The book in your hand is a practical guide on how to fight and win in every area of your life.
    Avail yourself of this wonderful opportunity.

  • The Winning Woman

    This book « The Winning Woman, » was written to instill positive values for winning in women that will make them win all the time. The winning woman is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-13. Men and women were created in the image of God and made to manifest the glory and power of God on the earth. Be that as it may, God also purposed that every specie of His image should carry out their divinely appointed functions in ways that are unique to their nature. This explains why a woman responds differently to a situation from a man. In the marriage institution, sometimes problems arise in the home simply because the man does not understand the temperament of the woman or the woman does not realize that her husband is configured differently from her. These differences lead to unavoidable conflicts which if either party understands the temperament of the other, may just help them to solve their problems internally without involving a third party. In this book, we will examine the nature, temperament and character of the winning woman. As a woman, God expects you to be a glorious winning woman, running your home in the fear of the Lord and to the glory of God.

  • The Woman God Uses

    The book, “The woman God uses” will change your story. Peace Ibiyeomie, through this pretty book has offered the reader practical insights for becoming the woman God uses.

    This book is a scriptural guide that can be relied upon. Read with open heart and find the answers to your questions in the pages of this book. She is very frank and straightforward.

    This is a book for a woman or anyone going to the top. It is a must read.

  • The Woman of Wonder

    Woman of Wonder is a best seller. It is a book written for men and women to showcase the distinctive qualities that make women outstanding. The author in keeping with her great role as « Mother in Israel » to millions of women all over the world, has bared her mind on the qualities of an ideal woman. Written with uncommon insights to the peculiar needs of women who want to be understood, cared for, and given room to play their God-given roles. Woman of wonder is a product of decades of leadership and ministration. The approach is practical and the insights are uncommon. The practical application of scripture is breath-taking, while the prayer points are Holy- Ghost-vomited. Are you a woman of destiny? This is the book of the hour for you and this is the hour of women empowerment in the « Church » and the world at large.

  • The Wonders of Faith

    You need faith rooted in God’s word in your heart to rule your world. You can change any circumstance if only you will accept responsibility to nurture your faith through a deeper study of God’s word.

    Faith has wonders to make you a wonder. Again, David Ibiyeomie, in this exciting book explores the frontiers of faith to usher believers into the miraculous.

    You need this book to stand out in the realm of the miraculous – build your faith for lasting miracles.

    Faith is the beauty of Christianity.

    Faith is a creative force; you need it.

  • The Wonders of Wisdoms

    This book will boost your wisdom bank. It will challenge you to move forward. It’s a companion to the road. Everyone needs wisdom.

    Wisdom is a catalyst; it is the master key to life’s achievements. An encounter with this book is an encounter with wisdom.

    In the end, you will remain the same. The secrets of men are in their stories.

    Follow David Ibiyeomie as he reveals what will make you famous in life.

  • The Word Heals

    THE WORD HEALS God’s thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace and not of evil. He desires that we prosper and be in health. This was God’s original plan for man. But today mankind is being ravaged by all manner of sicknesses and diseases. This book unravels the mystery surrounding death and provides us with the principles of faith that will keep us in health when we key into them.

  • Théologie systématique

    Livraison Gratuite

    Cet ouvrage de théologie systématique est le résultat de près de cinquante ans de prédications du haut de la même chaire. Semaine après semaine, décennie après décennie, John MacArthur a sondé les profondeurs du texte biblique et relié ses vérités pour aboutir à cet ensemble de théologie bien structuré qui fait briller davantage la vérité de l’Écriture devant nos yeux.

    « Le ministère de John MacArthur a eu un impact mondial. Dans ce livre, MacArthur et Mayhue exposent clairement les doctrines qui sont au cœur de ce ministère qui a touché un si vaste public. »
    Thomas R. Schreiner, professeur d’interprétation du Nouveau Testament et professeur de théologie biblique, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

    « Ce nouvel ouvrage de référence est un exposé riche et solide des fondements théologiques du christianisme offrant aux lecteurs une présentation ordonnée, accessible et convaincante de la vérité biblique. »
    R. Albert Mohler, président, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

    « Dans son ministère, John MacArthur a toujours mis l’accent sur la prédication, révélant la vérité de Dieu en prêchant la Parole de Dieu. Son ministère a toujours été appuyé sur la doctrine déduite minutieusement et systématiquement de la Bible. Si ses milliers de sermons textuels prouvent sa fidélité à la tâche de prédicateur, cet ouvrage prouve sa fidélité à la tâche de théologien. »
    Tim Challies, blogueur, auteur du livre Théologie visuelle

  • Théologie systématique

    Depuis le commencement, l’Église a travaillé sur ses doctrines et les a organisées de façon systématique, selon des catégories devenues classiques, comme la Parole de Dieu, le salut, Jésus-Christ, le Saint-Esprit, les derniers temps ou l’être humain. C’est également ce que fait Wayne Grudem dans cette étude des doctrines de la foi chrétienne, pour l’Église d’aujourd’hui.

    Trois objectifs guident son travail et permettront aux lecteurs d’entrer de façon approfondie et détaillée dans la connaissance de la théologie évangélique : l’enracinement dans la Bible des éléments doctrinaux présentés ; la clarté pédagogique, y compris l’explication des termes techniques et le renvoi croisé à d’autres articles ; la prise en compte à la fois de la réflexion intellectuelle et de la vie spirituelle et pratique des croyants et de l’Église. Comme l’écrit Henri Blocher dans sa préface, ce livre est caractérisé par « une sobre solidité biblique » et « une vive, ou chaude, sensibilité spirituelle »

  • Théologie systématique

    Cet ouvrage de théologie systématique est le résultat de près de cinquante ans de prédications du haut de la même chaire. Semaine après semaine, décennie après décennie, John MacArthur a sondé les profondeurs du texte biblique et relié ses vérités pour aboutir à cet ensemble de théologie bien structuré qui fait briller davantage la vérité de l’Écriture devant nos yeux. « Le ministère de John MacArthur a eu un impact mondial. Dans ce livre, MacArthur et Mayhue exposent clairement les doctrines qui sont au coeur de ce ministère qui a touché un si vaste public. »

  • Théologie Visuelle: Voir et comprendre la vérité de Dieu

    Voir la vérité. Vivre la vérité.

    Théologie visuelle est un livre riche en couleurs, en illustrations,
    en infographies… mais pas seulement !
    Théologie visuelle est avant tout une approche originale et contemporaine de la théologie. Ce livre explique comment être toujours plus attaché à Dieu et comment appliquer dans nos vies la vérité de la parole de Dieu.
    Théologie visuelle vous aidera à élaborer un plan d’action afin de connaître une croissance spirituelle tout au long de votre vie.

    « Une ressource qui sera d’un grand secours pour les chrétiens de notre ère visuelle. »
    —Nancy Leigh DeMoss, auteure de Ces mensonges qu’on nous fait croire
    « Une lecture agréable qui réunit de sérieuses connaissances et une théologie solide
    dans un style limpide et captivant. »
    —Wayne Grudem, auteur de Théologie systématique

    Tim Challies est blogueur, écrivain et pasteur au Canada. Il est cofondateur de la maison d’édition Cruciform Press. Tim est marié et père de trois enfants.

    Josh Byers est graphiste. Il est marié et père de quatre enfants.

  • Thirty Reasons For Company Ownership

    The Bible abounds with evidence that God wants to prosper believers and give them the opportunity to own businesses that will enable them to make a difference in the world, reach the unsaved and make great impact.

    The challenge is that many times, believers do not develop the platforms for the creation of prosperity or the platforms that can handle great capacity.

    This book present 30 reasons for company ownership, it highlights how to make your business work and reveals the supernatural results of company formation.

    Use this invaluable resource to breakout of the limitations of being salary dependent, to owning a storehouse that can be a blessing to others.

    The legal, financial and business opinions expressed in this book are that of the author.
    It may not be quoted as a legal, financial or business authority. The author has not set himself up as an authority on any of the subjects referred to.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO
